
Dragon ball z legend of z rpg trunks vs. vegeta
Dragon ball z legend of z rpg trunks vs. vegeta

Vollena hits Trunks with a surprise headbutt, followed by a kick to the stomach. Their subsequent attacks matched each other. The two fighters, at this very moment, equalized each other. Trunks is able to match Vollena’s output. Vollena, milliseconds later, rushes up to Trunks to dish out a multitude of punches & kicks. The Saiyan warrior avoids the first two and kicks the third up into the air. Three large energy spheres are thrown at Trunks. Vollena (in the distance): It’s going to take more than that, boy! Vegeta’s son stares off at the fading smoke & brimstone, still on-guard. The blast is spectacular and Vollena can be heard bellowing from the fire and ash. Trunks finishes off his combo with a point-blank Buster Cannon.

dragon ball z legend of z rpg trunks vs. vegeta dragon ball z legend of z rpg trunks vs. vegeta

Trunks delivers the blows faster each time as the two fighters make their way to the wasteland. The Gemrant is taken by surprise as he receives hard-hitting punches, one after the other. Moments before release, Trunks violently gets out of his hole and lays into Vollena. Vollena stretches his arm and points an energy sphere at the woman. I wish to return you to the way you ought to be. Vollena shifts his descent in her direction. Vollena stops more than halfway, however, when he sees a woman with her leg stuck under a totaled car.Ĭity Woman: Whatever you are, please don’t hurt me! The mayhem is intensified as Vollena’s Furious Celestial Slash slices through many more buildings bringing forth their destruction.Ĭitizens across the city panic in all directions and try to flee as Vollena slowly descends from the sky toward the hole created by Trunks’ impact. Trunks flies through multiple buildings from the blow, creating havoc throughout the small city. Trunks narrowly evades it, and Vollena takes this chance to sock him down. Vollena swats his hands, launching his Furious Celestial Slash a highly-concentrated curved energy wave. Trunks feels it and his face becomes overridden with shock. Vollena points his index & middle finger up, imbuing them with intense Ki. Trunks lets out a joyous laugh as he & Vollena fly over a small metropolitan area. Trunks saw a desert wasteland up ahead on the horizon. Trunks (voice): Just a little bit further so I can fight this guy without anyone else getting hurt. Trunks momentarily looks at Vollena, not answering. He flies high into the sky and evades the Vollena-possessed Goten. The episode opens with Trunks recovering from Vollena’s blow.

Dragon ball z legend of z rpg trunks vs. vegeta